2015 United Nations Forum on "Business and Human Rights"

2015 United Nations Forum on "Business and Human Rights"

2015 United Nations Forum on "Business and Human Rights"

The Forum is open to all relevant stakeholders including States, the wider United Nations system, intergovernmental and regional organizations, business enterprises and associations, labour unions, national human rights institutions, non-governmental organizations, academics, indigenous peoples and affected communities. The conference is open to every interested person for free.

Please register indicating the following details: surname, first name (same as in your passport), nationality, address, passport number, e-mail, office address and area of business according to region (i.e. global, Europe, North America, Australia etc.)
until October 20th, 2015 to catherine.bosshart@bpw-international.org

Further information: www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Business/Forum/Pages/2015ForumBHR.aspx

Palais des Nations, Genf

Date 16.11.2015 - 08:00 heures à 18.11.2015 - 18:00 heures
Catégorie Autre organisations 
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