

The association actively supports matters of particular interest to professional women. The association of BPW Switzerland is party-politically independent and denominationally neutral. BPW pursues the following policy priorities:

Equal Pay Day

Since 2009, BPW Switzerland organises a national day of action dedicated to raise awareness of the pay gap between men and women. www.equalpayday.ch


BPW Switzerland campaigns for the introduction of quotas for women on the boards of directors of listed companies. The association has also published a briefing on this subject. BPW Switzerland offers the “Women on Boards Programme".


BPW Switzerland intercedes with companies to promote the Women Empowerment Principles of UN Women.

More women in politics

Film about half-half: more women in politics
helvetia ruft!

BPW in Parliament

BPW Switzerland supports female candidates in political elections. During the election year, BPW of all parties running for national elections will be featured on the BPW Website.

Current political topics