BPW Clubs Switzerland
There are 36 BPW clubs attached to BPW Switzerland.
Each club draws up its own annual programme. On average, members meet once a month for a club evening. Further events can take place depending on the club, such as visits to companies or presentations on specific topics. All BPW are welcome at any event organised by other clubs and by BPW Switzerland. Are you interested in joining and become a member? Then please contact the president of your preferred club. The presidents look forward to hearing from you.
Whether it is a club close to your home or a club where you work, you can become a member of any club you choose. Ideally the best way is to sign up for a club event to get a better idea of the club. The programme of each club is on their websites and you can register there directly.
Do you have general questions about membership or BPW in general? Please contact the Central Office at