
BPW International

Represented in over 100 countries

The International Federation of Business and Professional Women (IFBPW) was founded in Geneva in 1930 by Lena Madesin Phillips. Today, the Federation has around 30,000 members and is represented in more than 100 countries on all continents. Swiss delegates of BPW are active in the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), as a consultative member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and in numerous UN organisations (WHO, ILO, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNCTAD, UNIDO, FAO and others).



Global networking

The BPW Switzerland association is one of the largest members of BPW International and is part of BPW Europe. The member associations of BPW International are divided into five geographical regions; Europe is the largest region, with almost 20,000 members across about 30 different countries.

Representatives of BPW Europe were significantly involved in the founding of the European Women's Lobby (EWL). The association has consultative status with the Council of Europe.

A European conference takes place every three years; in 2016, it was hosted in Zurich, while in 2019, the conference took place in Galway, Ireland. In May 2022, more than 270 women attended the 17th BPW European Conference and the 9th Young BPW Symposium in Reykjavik, Iceland. In 2025, the conference will be held in Valletta, Malta.

The Presidents' Meeting and the General Assembly of BPW Europe take place annually; in 2023, they were held in Brussels, where Kauanne Wisard (BPW Zurich) also participated as a Young BPW and wrote a report on the event.

In 2024, the venue was Rome and in 2025, the General Assembly will be held in Malta as part of the European Conference.

The International Congress of BPW International also takes place every three years. This is divided into what are known as the "business sessions" (General Assembly) and the workshops. There are also plenty of opportunities for networking.

BPW Switzerland financially supports the delegates who exercise their member rights as voting delegates.

Venues since 2008:

2008, 26th BPW International Congress, Mexico City
2011: 27th BPW International Congress, Helsinki
2014: 28th BPW International Congress, Jeju
2017: 29th BPW international Congress, Cairo
2021: 30th BPW International Congress, virtual
2024: 31st BPW International Congress, St. Kitts

Documents on the congresses can be found here.

Between congresses, BPW International works in standing committees and is headed by the international Executive Board. Participation in commissions and projects is open to all members worldwide.

This international networking is valuable for all members and represents a core element of BPW's concept of itself.

More information about BPW International
Click here to register for the Newsletter of BPW International
More information about BPW Europe
Click here to register for the Newsletter of BPW Europe