Summer Newsletter BPW Switzerland

Summer Newsletter BPW Switzerland

The BPW Summer Newsletter with information on current topics, events and a look back at the first half of 2022.

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Published: 14.07.2022

Dear bpw, dear readers,

We are pleased to send you the BPW Switzerland summer newsletter, with information on our current projects, topics, and events.

Looking back on the 2022 Assembly of Delegates

The BPW Switzerland Assembly of Delegates and Anniversary Celebration took place in Lausanne on 10 and 11 June, 2022. We look back with fond memories on the weekend full of cordial encounters, inspiring workshops, glitzy aperitifs in the Aquarium, and fine dining. We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the hosts from the Vaud BPW Club for organizing this worthy anniversary celebration of 75 years of BPW Switzerland.

We, the new co-presidents of BPW Switzerland, are looking forward to working together as a new team. Already back in 2018, we had a shared vision for the future of BPW Switzerland: to increase the visibility of BPW as the largest association of working women in Switzerland.

We are still pursuing this vision today and have already achieved some initial successes:

  • The re-engineering of the LENA scholarship project in keeping with the motto "Improved access to education is the key to a self-determined life" is on track and is supported within BPW by the clubs and members with many great ideas. A very special, heartfelt thank you goes today to Claire Häfeli from the Club Lenzburg. She organises a monthly dinner @home and donates the proceeds to the LENA scholarship.

  • New corporate members have been recruited. We are now able to count Valiant Bank and Axians among our corporate members.

  • Participation in the 2021 Women's Session by alliance F in order to improve conditions for women in Switzerland through politics

  • Claudine was invited to hold a keynote speech at the "Women's Conference @ Google". The Young BPWs Switzerland were exclusively invited to take part in the conference.

  • Examination expertise for STEM professions: Sandra acted as examination expert for the University of Applied Sciences Wädenswil for the examination "Auftrittskompetenz" at the end of the year 2021.

  • Various media appearances.

We want to remain true to our line over the next two years and strengthen it further. We look forward to discussing our ideas at the Retreat with the Central Executive Committee in August 2022, reassigning existing projects and taking on new projects.

"We must do today what will be needed tomorrow!" We are looking to the future, guided by these words from Rosmarie Michel, past president of BPW Switzerland and BPW International, full of confidence and driven to take action.

Text: Claudine Esseiva and Sandra Jauslin

BPW Switzerland supports the initiative for individual taxation

According to our articles of association, one of BPW Switzerland's core concerns is to promote the financial independence of women*. A very important element in achieving this goal is an egalitarian tax system that takes into account the living situation of working women* and taxes men* and women* equally, irrespective of their way of life.

The Swiss tax system is based on a provider model that is no longer appropriate. Due to the joint taxation of spouses, they face the so-called "marriage penalty" in many cantons. In other words, couples are taxed at different levels depending on if they are married or not. This is neither fair nor appropriate for contemporary society. It has the consequence of setting false financial incentives for one parent – predominantly women*, who unfortunately still often cut back on or give up work entirely when starting a family.

This means that if individual taxation were introduced, we would have a fair tax system that would promote the participation of women* in working life and correct a systemic failure.

The deadline for collecting signatures for this initiative is the beginning of September 2022 and we still do not have enough. That is why we are asking for your support. Please sign the initiative if you haven't already done so and ask people you know to sign it as well.

Download the signature sheet

Text: Brigitte Ramseier

Leadership & Inclusion CAS training from Rochester-Bern Executive Programs

As many of you know, we have been working with Rochester-Bern Executive Programs for several months. We welcomed Nadine Heuberger from Rochester-Bern at our Assembly of Delegates. We would like to draw your attention to the new CAS from Rochester-Bern Executive Programs.

Rochester-Bern's brand-new “CAS Leadership & Inclusion” training program deliberately focuses on consolidating leadership, improving communication, and promoting diversity. The aim is to create a corporate culture of belonging and appreciation, which drives innovation and competitiveness at the same time. The degree program from the University of Bern equips the participants with tools for professionally dealing with leadership challenges, illuminates targeted communication patterns, and focuses on long-term diversity and inclusion strategies for equal opportunities and integrating all employees into a diverse workforce.

You can find further information here.


Due to the large amount of positive feedback received at this year's Assembly of Delegates in Lausanne, our training partner Rochester-Bern Executive Programs is giving away a second chance to attend the Meet & Greet with brand ambassador and extreme mountaineer Dani Arnold: on 24 November, 2022 (16:45-17:15: Meet & Greet with Dani Arnold / 17:30-18:30: Talk in English by Dani Arnold).

Click here for the raffle.

Text: Nadine Heuberger, Rochester-Bern

New corporate member of BPW Switzerland: Valiant Bank

Valiant Bank AG became a corporate member of BPW Switzerland as of 1 July, 2022. With this partnership, they are working together to strengthen the position of women in business and in society. Furthermore, the partnership aims to promote women's economic interests and leadership qualities in the banking sector and to expand their network.

The new collaboration results in a win-win situation for both sides: BPW strengthens its position as a competent partner of industry. Valiant offers its female employees access to a network of committed professional women from a wide range of industries. It thereby strengthens its position in the competition for talent.

The club evenings and other networking events, as well as specialist events, are open to the employees of a BPW family member. By joining Business and Professional Women, Valiant shows that it promotes and embodies diversity in everyday working life.

Text: Sandra Jauslin

Looking back on the European Conference in Iceland

World Equal Opportunity Champion – Iceland

The General Assembly of the association "BPW European Coordination aisbl", which is registered in Brussels, always takes place as part of an event. This year it was held at the 17th European Conference and the 9th Youth BPW Symposium in Reykjavik, which was dedicated to the theme of "Equality".

Iceland is a world champion in equal opportunities. No other country in Europe has more women in political bodies, and no other country is at the same level when it comes to equal pay. But is Iceland really a role model in all aspects? CEOs are still mostly male in Iceland as well; in Iceland, too, the question arises as to whether "equal opportunities" really leads to balanced results or whether the discussion should not be about "equity" instead. The principle of "Equality versus Equity" assumes that women and men, indeed all individuals, need their own specific resources and tools to achieve the same outcome. It is up to us to determine which tools and resources are needed where – we're the only ones who can do it, so let's keep at it!

The discussions at the workshops were varied and covered a wide range of topics, such as Rights of the Girl Child, Gender Medicine, leadership without pressure, finding balance through fitness, sustainability, and many more. The President of BPW International invited all those present to the Leaders Summit, a unique opportunity to shape the association through themed discussions and to set topics. The numerous breaks, as well as the excursion to the Golden Circle, served to cultivate the network and to deepen acquaintances.

We left Iceland, the world champion in terms of equality, full of ideas and impressions. BPW Switzerland was present with more than 30 active members, clearly recognizable by the Swiss pin. All of them deserve the thanks of BPW Switzerland, since they were ambassadors for our association, they represented our values, and now inspire the local clubs and hopefully also the national association.

Text: Myriam Heidelberger Kaufmann

The International Working Group is looking for members

The Central Executive Committee has decided to set up a permanent working group in Switzerland to deal with international matters. It is intended to sift through, filter, and prepare information from BPW International for the clubs on the one hand and to organize up to four events a year on the other hand.

Are you interested in the International Working Group and willing to get involved in bimonthly online calls, an in-person event, and up to 4 online events for at least one year? Then fill out the registration form here by 31/07/2022:

Thank you very much!

Text: Myriam Heidelberger Kaufmann

Ukraine war situation - solidarity, more than ever

At the meeting of the European Women Presidents, which was held as a video conference, Julia Zaika, President of BPW spoke very openly about the situation in Ukraine. She expressed her gratitude for the support she feels from BPW. As she tells it, they continue to be subjected to daily attacks. In addition to civilian facilities, schools are shot at and fields are set on fire, so that a safe return of refugees is not feasible. Julia herself is holding out and trying to stay professionally active. If your club offers a project for local refugees or is in partnership with a Ukrainian club, please contact us.

BPW International has set up a support fund that provides financial support for projects.

Text: Myriam Heidelberger Kaufmann

Young BPW Switzerland

The Young BPW members have really stepped up the pace over the last few months: after a long period of online events during the pandemic, such as the Young BPW Networking Lunch via Zoom in February and the Empowerment Lunchtalk in March, the first physical meeting took place as part of the National Young BPW Day in April. A guided tour and networking lunch was held with the Lenzburg BPW Club in the Stapferhaus for the "Gender & Sex" exhibition, in which eleven Young BPW members from all over Switzerland took part.

Eight members also traveled to Iceland in May this year to take part in the BPW European Conference. At the end of June, six Young BPWs were exclusively invited to participate in the “Women's Conference at Google” and had the opportunity to network with leaders of the Swiss economy.

Sheerah Kim, a member of the Zurich BPW Club and a new member of the Central Executive Committee, is also officially taking over the position of Young Delegate, after pouring her heart into the Youngs since last year. The second part of the National Young Day will take place in Zurich in autumn 2022. More detailed information will follow shortly. It should also be mentioned that communication and events for Young BPW Switzerland take place in English. All members are always cordially invited to participate in Young BPW Switzerland events.

Text: Linda Herzog-Mayer

Dates in summer / autumn 2022

BPW Switzerland Central Office's summer break

The office is taking a break from the heat and will be closed from 13 July to 1 August, 2022. We will be back and reachable from 2 August, 2022.


The BPW Club Lucerne hereby invites you to the Gender Pension Gap Podium at the Hotel Seeburg in Lucerne on 30 August, 2022. It kicks off at 5:30 pm with the opening talk by Dr. Svenja Schmidt, a member of the Board of Directors of Pension Fund Services AG, followed by a moderated panel discussion with Jackie Bauer from UBS, Dr. Gabriela Medici from the Swiss Trade Union Confederation, Dr. Lukas Müller-Brunner from the Swiss Employers' Association, and Rebekka Renz from the Lucerne Pension Fund, exploring what needs to be done in the fields of business and politics to ensure that women no longer have less retirement savings than men. The event is rounded off with a discussion and drinks at the Sunset Bar.

Join us and sign up here

DACH-Tagung am 23. und 24. September 2022

Die diesjährige DACH-Tagung findet im Hotel Walhalla statt und richtet sich an alle BPW aus der DACH-Region. Unter dem Thema “Sei die Heldin deines eigenen Lebens” finden inspirierende Workshops und Keynotes statt, sowie ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmenprogramm. Infos und Anmeldung hier.

Die Workshops und Keynotes finden in deutscher Sprache statt.

Validity and application of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in Switzerland

CEDAW in practice: how is it implemented?

25 years ago, Switzerland ratified the most important international instrument on equality between women* and men: the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

The NGO Coordination post Beijing Switzerland and BPW Switzerland will be celebrating the anniversary in Bern on 15 October, 2022, and want to raise awareness of the CEDAW among the wider public. What rights and obligations do employees and employers have? What opportunities and tools does the CEDAW provide to combat discrimination against women* and girls*?

We want to move from the international level to implementation in Switzerland and its challenges through opening talks and workshops on various aspects of the CEDAW, such as legal practice, gender stereotypes, finances, and reconciliation of work and family life.

More information

BPW Germany’s Annual Conference, 14 to 16 October 2022

This year's BPW Germany’s Annual Conference will take place in Munich. All BPWs from Switzerland are cordially invited to participate. You can find all the information here:

BPW Switzerland’s Autumn Conference, 5 November, 2022, in Andermatt

In November, BPWs from all over Switzerland will be in Andermatt, Uri, for the Autumn Conference. The invitation will be going out at the beginning of September. It's worth saving the date already!

We hope you have a lovely summer and relaxing holidays!

With best wishes,

The Central Office and Central Executive Office of BPW Switzerland