Success stories

Our scholarship holders

Geraldine P.

"The LENA scholarship gives me the opportunity to successfully complete my studies. In the meantime, I have been able to achieve good grades again, as I have been able to concentrate fully on studying. The LENA scholarship has greatly enhanced my life, as it has relieved the pressure of having to pay the high tuition fees. In the meantime, I have also found a part-time job working 40 percent, which covers the cost of living. I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity of a LENA scholarship and that people believed in me and my potential."

LENA scholarship holder Geraldine is studying for a Master's degree in Development Studies at the Graduate Institute IHEID in Geneva. She will be supported by a LENA scholarship until spring 2023.

Maria V.

"The LENA scholarship gives me the opportunity to complete my training without worrying about my finances too much. Thanks to this valuable support, I can concentrate fully on the last and crucial year of training and put financial problems aside, at least for the time being.
Thanks to the LENA support, I have been able to demonstrate my practical performance as I have been able to concentrate on myself and my training without additional stress. I had often considered getting a part-time job, but this would not have been possible because my training is equivalent to a full-time job. And I think that my practical performance in my professional career would certainly have suffered as a result."

LENA scholarship holder Maria is completing an apprenticeship as a qualified radiologist. She will be supported by a LENA scholarship until February 2023.