SEF.Women Award

SEF.Women Award

The Swiss Economic Forum (SEF) presents the SEF.WomenAward to women with an outstanding track record in entrepreneurship and at the same time creates a powerful and forward-thinking platform for women entrepreneurs.

Publié: 02.11.2021



The award is presented in the categories “Young Entrepreneur of the Year” and “Entrepreneur/CEO of the Year”. In addition, an exceptional personality who has dedicated her life to promoting Switzerland as a strong business location is presented with an honorary award.

Eligibility “Young Entrepreneur of the Year”: The entrepreneur has founded one or more companies and holds an active position there. The company/ies is/are not older than 7 years, the company headquarters and significant parts of the value creation are located in Switzerland.

Eligibility “Entrepreneur/CEO of the Year”: The entrepreneur or CEO is responsible for a company and holds an active position there. The company was founded at least 7 years ago. The company headquarters and significant parts of the value creation are located in Switzerland.

Women entrepreneurs, apply here!