2023 Assembly of Delegate

2023 Assembly of Delegate

Changes in the co-presidency and the central executive committee

Published: 20.06.2024

Dear BPW, Dear readers,

We are now looking back on an eventful Assembly of Delegates in Winterthur: we networked, exchanged ideas, discussed, and voted. But we also had a great time and enjoyed each other's company.

We would like to thank the BPW Club Winterthur and its many helpers from all over the region, who put together a wonderful framework for this weekend and then really went above and beyond: with a great location, exciting workshops, fine dining, and an evening program packed with musical entertainment and amazing experiments. This is all what it means to be BPW – thank you very much!

But it was also a weekend full of changes. For example, we are pleased to announce that the co-presidency of BPW Switzerland has changed configuration since Saturday: Claudine Esseiva has resigned from the Central Executive Committee due to a term limit. Her achievements were duly celebrated with a standing ovation. We sincerely thank Claudine for her tireless and passionate commitment to BPW and the political and economic equality of women in Switzerland!

In her place, Myriam Heidelberger Kaufmann was newly elected as Co-President and will be shaping the future together with Co-President Sandra Jauslin, who has been confirmed in office. Both see how they can each complement the other in the collaboration and are entering this new phase with curiosity and anticipation.

We would also like to offer our heartfelt thanks to the Committee members Souad Hächler, Rosanna Bertuccio, Sandra Fröhlich, and Sheerah Kim, who passed on their duties this weekend.

The new members of the Central Executive Committee include Vera Bender (BPW Club Lucerne), Barbara Haller Rupf (BPW Club Chur), Jana Fehrensen (BPW Club Oberaargau), and Christine Megert (BPW Club Thun). BPW Switzerland is delighted that you have all taken on the challenge and will be leading the association into the next few years, along with the approximately 2,000 members in Switzerland!

Looking ahead

The Central Executive Committee will constitute itself at its retreat at the beginning of August and set the course for the joint work ahead.

We will continue to advance BPW Switzerland's projects: the planning for Equal Pay Day 2025 is already underway. And there is also a lot going on with the LENA scholarship project: the committee, made up of BPW from various clubs, is continuing to work on institutional fundraising and communications, in order to be able to fund training or further education for as many women going through a crisis as possible. We would be delighted if the clubs continued to support the project and will be sending out a relevant communication package in the next few weeks.

In November, a delegation consisting of Myriam Heidelberger Kaufmann, Ursula Spleiss, Barbara Haller Rupf, Evelyne Wacker, Cristina Fasol, and Giselle Rufer will be representing our association at the International Congress of BPW International in St. Kitts. Work has already begun on preparing the contents.

We are also taking a step forward in the digital world: we are designing an app that will enable you to conveniently book events by BPW clubs all over Switzerland on your smartphone.

The BPW year is far from over and we are very much looking forward to carrying on the work with you!

Best regards,

Co-Presidents Sandra Jauslin and Myriam Heidelberger Kaufmann